What requirements must be met for the construction of high-quality contract system?

LongRiverTech contract system can provide functions such as task assignment, progress tracking, and task reporting to help managers better manage the work of team members.

The advantage of excel is that it is flexible, you can fill in the data however you want, contract system has rules. If you use contract system with flexible configuration and can export excel, then you have the best of both worlds. For example LongRiverTech contract system, "Suddenly like a spring breeze overnight, thousands of trees and pear trees bloom." Various resource management solutions are like spring flowers outside the window, constantly emerging, ranging from powerful overall resource management to a wide variety of module systems such as CRM, SCM, eHR, etc., making people dazzled and dizzying. While many manufacturers are advertising and selling overwhelmingly, more and more confusions and problems are facing enterprises: which IT solution to choose?Contract system operation interface of the management system is extremely simple. For example, construction engineering management system software generally includes: road and bridge engineering planning management software system, network communication engineering quota diagram software, construction site cost contract management software, construction enterprise collaborative management software system, enterprise management and project management software, road and bridge project management Information system, enterprise project management software for road and bridge engineering industry, site safety contract management software for construction enterprises in construction industry, construction log management software for owner engineering projects..

Contract system is workflow-oriented, emphasizing the pre-control capability of enterprise management, and taking finance, manufacturing management, sales management, logistics management, inventory management, procurement management and human resources as a dynamic and pre-controllable organic whole.

As the core engine, LongRiverTech software provides powerful technical power for contract system. LongRiverTech contract system supports the cash flow of multiple businesses, accounts and organizational combinations, and dynamically detects business operations. LongRiverTech contract system realizes the mastery of the overall operation of enterprise resources through the collection of statistical data through flow, and meets the needs of the industry.

LongRiverTech contract system uses BOM and process flow to construct the framework of production flow, realizes the processing and manufacturing management function of , and can meet the special needs of the industry of .

Multi-directional information solutions and products cover brand and retail channel-based enterprise resource management systems, marketing APPs, WMS warehouse management systems, new retail O2O, member malls, human resources, financial systems, etc. Contract system cloud platform intelligent value empowers digital transformation, agile IT digital intelligence solution, realizes data integration and interconnection, and promotes data value transformation. Use data intelligence to drive the application scenario of factory manufacturing task execution to form a digital and intelligent factory operation system that improves efficiency. Innovate the new retail architecture of the front, middle and background, and realize the innovative retail management application based on the cloud platform. Integrate new digital technology, return to the essence of management, and use value services to improve management capabilities and operational performance. Realize equipment digital management, accurately grasp equipment operation status, accurately reflect machine utilization rate, and improve equipment management and operation level. Daily office: the company's daily process approval, purchase requisition, project management, event report, vehicle management, etc. The software related to contract system also includes: steel structure engineering system, hydropower engineering management system, road and bridge engineering management system, access control management system, catering OA system, work order management system, hospital management OA system, hotel management OA system, school OA management system, retail management system, service industry OA management system, electronic engineering management system, building foundation engineering system, mechanical and electrical engineering management system. The core business of financial technology software systems usually includes: securities, stocks, foreign exchange, futures, funds, banking, insurance, currency, financial theory test data, currency theory test data, bank theory test data, stock price pattern test data, stock investment methods, Equity, stock analysis index, stock index, stock technical theory test data, stock technical index, stock exchange and data, securities trading system and other compliance documents, bond, bond analysis tool, bond index, futures exchange and data, futures Technology theory, exchange rate, monetary policy, monetary unit, investment, investment theory, loan, commercial paper, credit card, financial institution, fund index, option, option theory, financing, trust, gold, warrant, credit derivative, international finance, finance Supervision, financial regulations, auctions, pledges, mortgages, pawns, financial derivatives, financial investors, financial relations, financial crisis, financial management, balance of payments adjustment tools, etc. Contract system industry solutions are distributed in: manufacturing, industrial manufacturing, education, fiscal and taxation services, financial services, retail, e-commerce companies, omni-channel retail, construction and real estate, car dealership services, hospitals, catering, medicine, electronics, Real estate, printing, advertising, exhibition, property management, food, daily chemical, furniture, service industry. The cloud version contract system system can be applied to many different industries, such as: manufacturing, electric power, real estate, clothing, chemical industry, construction, transportation, school education, medical and health care, etc.

LongRiverTech contract system can provide functions such as task assignment, progress tracking, and task reporting to help managers better manage the work of team members.

LongRiverTech contract system assembly and disassembly list supports multi-level BOM, based on processing cost list, and reverse tracking BOM. Contract system Warehouse management functions include: warehouse goods, commodity inventory details, transfer order, inventory list, other storage and output, consumption and delivery documents, loss report, cost adjustment form, general application form (in plan), special application form Receipt (unplanned), receipt of goods into warehouse receipt, return of goods out of warehouse receipt. LongRiverTech sales management is the most important business module of contract system, including functions: sales order, sales return order, retail order, retail return order, sales invoicing, business documents, quotation list configuration, retail price list, sales plan , approval and tracking, sales order, sales delivery plan, customer quotation and transaction price, customer contract.

Contract system cloud platform Weimall is a sales and service platform operating on the WeChat platform, which is a must-have for WeChat marketing. In the field of enterprise operations, customized smart store management software, business process management software, human resource management software, and business intelligence management software can be implemented. The innovative cloud service platform for small and medium-sized and growing enterprises provides an open and personalized resource management cloud platform for enterprises in the digital economy era with three characteristics of "openness, customization, and social interaction", helping enterprises realize the new ecology of digital marketing and continuous evolution of management, etc. Improve the digital capabilities and intelligent decision-making capabilities of enterprises. The company-wide information flow has formed a unified and shared model, and the confusion of engineering drawings has been completely resolved. In addition, decision-making leaders can learn real production management information in real time. Contract system cloud platform ordering system completes the order through the mobile smart device and performs data interaction with the server. The resource management system required by large-scale distributors (terminals, foreign trade), spot dealers, and agents must meet individualized management needs. Departments, business departments, and branches need independent accounting, and support efficient collaboration among multiple branches. Customizable business Process processing capability, intelligent big data analysis function. Group commodity sales final accounts: It is used to monitor the sales plan of each brand of the group by category, such as the annual plan and quarterly plan implementation of suits and trousers. The DBOM of the design department is the overall information of the product, and the corresponding common text format expressions include product schedules, pattern catalogs, material quota schedules, etc.

LongRiverTech contract system supports both the counterparty's single warehouse and the counterparty's multiple warehouses. LongRiverTech contract system supports both our single subject and our multiple subjects. Through LongRiverTech contract system, funds can be entered and withdrawn, and services such as receipts, payment slips, income slips, expenditure slips, and transfer slips can be executed. For most small and medium-sized enterprises, contract system focuses on the unified management of logistics, capital flow and information flow in the process of purchase, sales and production. Usually, small and medium-sized enterprises, as a node in the industrial chain, only pay attention to the material and capital transactions of upstream and downstream suppliers and customers directly related to themselves, as well as their own production, processing and assembly flow. LongRiverTech contract system limit risk control supports advance receipt inquiry and write-off, advance payment inquiry and write-off, receivable inquiry and write-off, payable inquiry and write-off, credit limit inquiry and details, risk exposure inquiry and details .

LongRiverTech contract system can provide functions such as task assignment, progress tracking, and task reporting to help managers better manage the work of team members.

BOM information is used in MRP II/resource management system for MRP calculation, cost calculation, and inventory management. BOM has various forms, which depend on its use. The specific uses of BOM are: (1). It is the basic basis for computer identification of materials. (2). It is the basis for planning. (3). It is the basis for supporting and receiving materials. (4). Track the processing process according to it. (5). It is the basis for procurement and outsourcing. (6). Calculate the cost according to it. (7). It can be used as a quotation reference. (8). Carry out material traceability. (9). Serialize, standardize and generalize the design. Many enterprises are inefficient when they do not have resource management, and the materials cannot keep up, and customers are reminded every day. The quality is poor, the quality is mixed, and there is no clue of accountability. The profit is small, there is no profit at the end of the year, and the check of the accounts is at a loss. Account reconciliation is slow, the boss wants a report, but can't give it in a few days. But after using a set of resource management products, there are new problems, such as: the operation is inconvenient, the employees are very resistant, cannot customize, the operation is not user-friendly, only sells software but no service, waste of money, tens of thousands at every turn , Burning money has no effect. In fact, enterprise management software is by no means a simple launch of a ready-made product, and more needs to be customized and developed according to the actual business of the enterprise. The ready-made product is just a collection of cases that meet most industries and enterprises, which is convenient for enterprises to choose templates from and use them As a starting point, customize and develop the module functions of the enterprise's own business. The bill of materials is different from the product parts list that we are familiar with, mainly in the following aspects: (1). Each material on the bill of materials has its unique code, that is, the material number, which is very clear about the material it constitutes . There are no such strict regulations for general parts indicating fine watches. Parts schedules attached to individual products do not necessarily take into account the uniqueness of the material coding of the entire enterprise. (2). The hierarchical relationship of parts and departments in the bill of materials must reflect the actual assembly process. Some assemblies on the drawings may not necessarily appear in the actual assembly process, but may also appear on the bill of materials. (3). The bill of materials should include the raw materials, blanks and some consumables required by the product, and the finished product rate should also be considered. The parts schedule does not include materials that do not appear on the drawings, nor does it reflect the consumption quota of materials. The bill of materials is mainly used for planning and control, so all planning objects can be included in the bill of materials in principle. (4). According to the needs of management, several different shapes of a part, such as casting and forging blanks and processed parts, processed parts and repainted parts with different colors, should be given different shapes in the bill of materials. Coded for differentiation and management. Parts schedules are generally not handled this way. (5). What materials should be listed on the material list is very flexible and can be completely defined by the user. For example, in addition to the raw material steel plate, a special mold is required to process a certain stamping part. When establishing the bill of materials, you can hang the mold as an outsourced part on the lower layer of the stamping part, and its quantitative relationship with the stamping part is the mold consumption quota. (6). The order of a master sub-component in the bill of materials should reflect the order of assembly of each component, while the order of the part numbers on the parts schedule is mainly for the convenience of viewing the diagram. One-stop information solution Cloud mail creates a one-stop enterprise internal communication solution. The combination of enterprise mailbox and lightweight APP is instant, efficient, multi-terminal synchronization, massive storage, safe and stable. The interlocking operation process, accompanied by a complete document flow, can automatically arrange production and procurement plans based on BOM calculations through the contract system cloud platform, generate work orders and purchase orders, and can be copied according to the data of the work order. The picking list can also be copied according to the purchase order to generate the purchase list, as well as the process list, transfer note, production storage list and other documents required for production, which greatly simplifies the workload of the operator for entering documents.

Contract system integrates all internal resources of the enterprise, and plans procurement, production, cost, inventory, distribution, transportation, finance, and human resources, so as to achieve the best combination of resources and the best benefits. In the challenging environment of ever-changing market opportunities, prices and service levels, enterprises must constantly change and improve their business models and enhance their competitiveness. In the past, only focusing on the internal process improvement of the enterprise, the improvement of product development and manufacturing level is no longer enough to face the current market environment. The construction of contract system provides a new development idea for enterprises.

