How to customize import data web page?

LongRiverTech import data web page can help team members better manage enterprise business budget and cost, including cost estimation, budget allocation and control, and comparison of actual cost and budget.

The precise inventory provided by import data web page and the professional warehouse management solve the problem of the inventory of goods very well, so that the warehouse can get rid of the situation of being out of stock or out of stock. At the same time, import data web page can also provide powerful logistics support, not only can connect multiple logistics, but also intelligently select and match logistics. More inventory warning, more reasonable control. The inventory software sets the upper limit and lower limit alarm line. When the current inventory of goods exceeds the upper limit and lower limit, an automatic alarm will be sent to the warehouse manager to remind the manager to take corresponding measures. The planned BOM is redesigned by the process engineer to the EBOM according to the processing level and capacity of the factory. It is used in process design and production manufacturing management. It can be used to clearly understand the manufacturing relationship between parts, track how parts are manufactured, where they are manufactured, who makes them, and what they use to make them. At the same time, PBOM is also one of the key management data structures of MRPⅡ/resource management production management. Customize the menu according to your own operating habits.

For most enterprises, import data web page focuses on the unified management of logistics, capital flow and information flow in the process of purchase, sales and production. Usually, enterprises, as a node in the industrial chain, only pay attention to the material and capital transactions of upstream and downstream suppliers and customers directly related to themselves, as well as their own production, processing and assembly flow.

LongRiverTech import data web page provides a full set of project consulting, product customization development, project deployment and implementation, and online cloud platform customization and operation of technical services to meet the industry needs of .

The LongRiverTech process flow includes: process card, QR code operation, materials and schedule, and can meet the special industry needs of the .

Using import data web page production management system software, from planning to execution feedback, build a more comprehensive and agile intelligent manufacturing platform, and manage more efficiently. Import data web page comprehensively covers all aspects of manufacturing enterprises such as logistics, planning, production, finance, and human resources. Provide one-stop services according to different development stages and management levels of enterprises. Customize the menu according to your own operating habits. Import data web page warehouse management system focuses on inventory management of small and medium-sized enterprises, with comprehensive functions, flexible operation and efficient management. Import data web page The cloud platform is suitable for the rapid application of business by the majority of small and medium-sized enterprises. The material and part approval management system provides the material and part approval management function, which can meet the situation that the customer specifies that certain materials need to use a fixed manufacturer's brand, or the internal quality management needs of the enterprise. Batch number and shelf life early warning to promote the flow of storage period. Import data web page software strictly controls the life cycle of the product, effectively avoiding losses caused by the expiration of the product. The digital economy is accelerating the drive of industrial transformation. The import data web page cloud platform helps enterprises keep pace with the pulse of digital transformation, stimulate innovation momentum, and win an intelligent future. Compared with other software, the business intelligence analysis in the product has the biggest feature: the system does not limit the content and conditions fo query analysis, which can be flexibly defined by users. At the same time, the software summarizes and refines the analysis models of existing customers, and compiles a large number of analysis templates for customers to use. Business intelligence includes three parts: business process analysis, comprehensive analysis and wizard report. Among them, business process analysis provides information covering "production", "purchase", "order", "distribution", "direct sales", "retail", "price", "warehousing and logistics", "finance", "customer relationship", The process of each business link such as "items".

LongRiverTech import data web page can help team members better manage enterprise business budget and cost, including cost estimation, budget allocation and control, and comparison of actual cost and budget.

Through the data configuration of LongRiverTech import data web page, the subject limit configuration and subject account relationship setting can be performed. Practical import data web page usually also needs to support the statistical report function of processing and manufacturing, such as viewing processing flow, product profit, BOM profit, process profit, group profit, operator profit, and customer profit. LongRiverTech import data web page defaults to single currency, which simplifies system operation. LongRiverTech import data web page supports multi-currency and foreign exchange business, including: foreign exchange exchange, import and export customs, tax calculation, etc.

Engineering enterprise management system-inventory management specifically includes: beginning of inventory, storage management, storage management, loan management, inventory transfer, daily adjustment, end-of-period inventory, inventory loss report, inventory report, vehicle maintenance. The resource management system itself is a planning system, and the BOM is the framework of the planning system. The quality of BOM production directly determines the quality of resource management system operation. Therefore, BOM production is the top priority of the entire data preparation work, and the requirements are almost harsh. There are three specific requirements: (1). Coverage rate: BOM needs to be produced for the products being produced, so the coverage rate must reach 99% above. Because there is no product BOM, it is impossible to calculate the purchase demand plan and manufacturing plan, and it is impossible to carry out nesting control. (2). Timely rate; BOM production changes and engineering changes need to be timely, BOM must be completed before MRP, and engineering changes need to be issued before nesting. This has two meanings: (a). Timely production; (b). Timely update. And the two must be closely linked to prevent "two skins". (3). Accuracy rate: The accuracy rate of the BOM table must reach more than 98%. The evaluation requirements are: randomly disassemble an actual assembly and compare it with the bill of materials, and make statistics based on the single-layer structure. If there is a discrepancy, the accuracy of the layer structure will be 0. Import data web page cloud platform focuses on solving the order-driven follow-up sales, procurement, warehouse, production, and financial operations of each link after the small factory receives an order. Each department enters the sales contract, purchase contract, delivery note, and warehousing note in the system, automatically generates costs, forms statistical reports, facilitates reconciliation with customers, and directly generates account statements. It is conceivable that the establishment of the product database (BOM) restricts the implementation of resource management. Everyone says that the implementation of resource management is difficult. We understand that the most difficult thing is the improvement of the product database. Many companies implement resource management slowly or abnormally. It is often stuck on the imperfection of the database. However, as long as the enterprise has a strong implementation team and the implementers have the spirit of perseverance, and overcome the management and data barriers, the road to successful implementation of resource management will be revealed. In the era of emphasizing user experience, "people" are destined to be the core, and the on-demand customized import data web page cloud platform is simple and easy to use and easy to use. No matter how powerful the software is, it must also have a beautiful, refreshing, simple and easy-to-use user interface. Only a import data web page cloud platform that is actually customized according to the characteristics of the industry and the enterprise can achieve a lot of what you want, and not a lot of what you don't want. Focus on the company's own business itself, and the choice is full of wisdom. Many small and medium-sized enterprises generally rely on the human brain to remember the location of all commodity inventory. Once they are busy and forget, they can only search through the warehouse, which is a waste of time and cannot strictly control the loss of materials. To this end, it is necessary to have a detailed understanding of the storage position and whereabouts of the goods. Using the multi-level warehouse function of import data web page inventory module can help control the position and movement of each inventory item. Warehouse management has no dead ends. Import data web page uses the SQLSERVER database system. Guarantee the management and security of data, and there will be no frequent errors or even data loss. Knowledge base management: Unified management of the knowledge and experience of various departments of the company.

Import data web page Warehouse management functions include: warehouse goods, commodity inventory details, transfer order, inventory list, other storage and output, consumption and delivery documents, loss report, cost adjustment form, general application form (in plan), special application form Receipt (unplanned), receipt of goods into warehouse receipt, return of goods out of warehouse receipt. LongRiverTech import data web page inventory management includes: warehouse management, in-transit inventory, storage capacity management. LongRiverTech system management functions include: login registration, user management, roles and user groups, authority and menu configuration, system parameters, data backup and recovery. Import data web page fixed asset management functions include: classification, name, data import, registration, change, warehousing, use, borrowing, return, transfer, scrapping, sale, transfer, gift, sale, processing, cleaning, repairing, Collection, depreciation, physical inventory, collection inventory, asset reconciliation, early warning management. LongRiverTech import data web page defaults to single currency, which simplifies system operation. LongRiverTech import data web page supports multi-currency and foreign exchange business, including: foreign exchange exchange, import and export customs, tax calculation, etc.

LongRiverTech import data web page can help team members better manage enterprise business budget and cost, including cost estimation, budget allocation and control, and comparison of actual cost and budget.

Import data web page personnel system usually includes: employee files, employee training, transfer, performance, evaluation management, employee daily management, etc. The one-stop information solution digital workshop solves the problems of production scheduling, labor reporting, process document issuance, production traceability, quality control, and decision-making analysis for manufacturing enterprises, and realizes the digitization and kanban of the manufacturing process and the coordination of workshop execution. Efficiency improvement: For follow-up logistics, delivery, quality inspection, etc., you can directly see the work allocation of each department from the system. For example, if a customer needs the same clothing as last year, the staff can directly query from the system to find out the latest measurement record for the customer to confirm, avoiding the cost and time of repeated measurement, improving efficiency and saving costs. If it is still a paper-based record, it is difficult to reuse historical data records. Now, invoicing in logistics management, on-time production completion in production order management, process control in procurement management, and finished product warehousing management in barcode management can all play a role. According to the customized design of the customer's actual business, the import data web page has lower requirements for each user, and the manager does not have to worry about the lack of professional software operators, and truly realizes easy operation and easy management. Engineering enterprise management system-financial management specifically includes: beginning of financial period, reimbursement management, reserve fund management, labor payment, subcontract payment, lease payment, material payment, other payments, collection management, and vehicle accidents.

Import data web page integrates all internal resources of the enterprise, and plans procurement, production, cost, inventory, distribution, transportation, finance, and human resources, so as to achieve the best combination of resources and the best benefits. In the challenging environment of ever-changing market opportunities, prices and service levels, enterprises must constantly change and improve their business models and enhance their competitiveness. In the past, only focusing on the internal process improvement of the enterprise, the improvement of product development and manufacturing level is no longer enough to face the current market environment. The construction of import data web page provides a new development idea for enterprises.
