Development prospects for customer management Supply chain finance software

LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software supports the generation of various financial and tax statements and tax reporting functions, which facilitates financial management and compliance operations for enterprises.

With the development of AI(artificial intelligence), more and more industries are beginning to move towards informatization management. Customized clothing industry, designed and produced according to customer requirements. Generally speaking, customers are used to customizing clothing in the second half of the year. This has caused the clothing company's annual output to be very unbalanced. It is necessary to better regulate production, balance output value, control delivery deadlines, and straighten out internal processes. The internal production mode of the enterprise needs to be changed. The traditional manual input and manual data transmission cannot obtain timely and accurate reports required for leadership decision-making. NI the later stage of production, for example, the data information required in links such as logistics, delivery, and quality inspection are all allocated and expanded by the system. All information must be accurate from the source of data entry, so that the follow-up work can ensure that the error rate is reduced, thereby reducing costs. Customer management Supply chain finance software can be said to be the representative of informatization management, and its powerful functions are enough to support all-round management of the enterprise from all aspects. But there are also many people who don't know much about customer management Supply chain finance software. Today LongRiverTech will introduce to you the specific functions of informatization.

The planning system in customer management Supply chain finance software mainly includes: master production planning, material requirement planning, capacity planning, purchasing planning, sales execution planning, financial budget and human resource planning, etc., and these planning functions and value control functions have been fully integrated into the entire in the supply chain system.

LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software provides a full set of project consulting, product customization development, project deployment and implementation, and online cloud platform customization and operation of technical services to meet the industry needs of .

LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software realizes the purchase, sale and inventory function of through the transaction flow overview of purchase, sales and inventory, and can meet the special needs of the industry of .

Customer management Supply chain finance software passive service of the cloud platform is self-empowerment, with the latest digital technology, intelligently connects each user, and makes the service go ahead of the user's needs! customer management Supply chain finance software The cloud platform provides enterprises with intelligent integration solutions and services that are truly profitable. Customer management Supply chain finance software cloud platform demonstrates powerful human-computer interaction capabilities when running, and the data information on the interface is clear and comprehensive. Users can trace back to the upper-level certificate or even the original certificate according to the information of a certain expense certificate. Therefore, enterprises do not need to replace operators, and the success of system operation and use is relatively high. In order to save trouble, many business owners go directly to the general resource management system. The system has attracted a large number of die-hard fans by saving trouble and money, but the resource management system is not a simple matter of simply buying back the system. It is necessary for managers to reorganize work processes or adjust departments to better integrate enterprise resources, improve work efficiency, and save resources. Generic resource management cannot meet their daily needs. We analyze the unique characteristics of the industry from three aspects: First, styles and colors are complex, and impartial styles, colors, and sizes are unattainable in the industry's general resource management logistics module. It is not feasible to use a single standard resource management to deal with product diversity. Therefore, enterprises should choose the appropriate enterprise resource planning system according to the characteristics of the industry. Second, the product life cycle is very short. From entering the market to exiting the market, it usually only takes two to three weeks. It can be seen that the life cycle of the product is very short. What does it mean? In order to adapt to product changes, enterprises must make adjustments to the resource management system every two to three weeks, and most common resource management is impossible. What is the difference between resource management software? Finally, sales of the product are very volatile. It is impossible to predict the next explosion. Until the sales figures come out, everything depends on experience and luck. Explosive currency needs to be added to production immediately, and prices are lowered if they do not meet market demand, and promotional processing becomes a burden for enterprises. The instability of sales makes it difficult for enterprises to control inventory, and inventory management should be carried out through resource management. The interlocking operation process, accompanied by a complete document flow, can automatically arrange production and procurement plans based on BOM calculations through the customer management Supply chain finance software cloud platform, generate work orders and purchase orders, and can be copied according to the data of the work order. The picking list can also be copied according to the purchase order to generate the purchase list, as well as the process list, transfer note, production storage list and other documents required for production, which greatly simplifies the workload of the operator for entering documents. Many small and medium-sized enterprises use traditional Excel to record and manage inventory. There is no reminder function. The factory only needs to use raw materials to find out that it is out of stock, which affects the delivery date and causes huge losses to the enterprise. At the same time, traditional Excel cannot realize real-time synchronization between different people, and cannot be easily viewed on mobile phones. Traditionally managed commodity inventory is updated frequently every day, and the data cannot be updated in real time by relying on EXCEL tables. Sales are taking orders outside, but they dare not accept orders because they cannot judge the correct inventory quantity. Customer management Supply chain finance software cloud platform ordering system completes the order through the mobile smart device and performs data interaction with the server. Group goods cost final account: used to monitor the difference between the group's overall procurement budget and the actual unit cost of goods and the budgeted cost.

LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software supports the generation of various financial and tax statements and tax reporting functions, which facilitates financial management and compliance operations for enterprises.

LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software supports both counterparty single account and counterparty multiple accounts. LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software enables storage capacity location support. LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software manages to the warehouse by default, and can further enable support for storage capacity and storage location, which is used to support storage capacity size, volume and load configuration and calculation. LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software assembly and disassembly list supports multi-level BOM, based on processing cost list, and reverse tracking BOM.

Customer management Supply chain finance software SaaS platform helps merchants realize new retail scenarios that connect online and offline. Rich marketing tools, diverse marketing, help large concurrent traffic. More vertical industry solutions to meet a wide range of business needs and serve the public. The management can manage multiple remote companies or business departments through the cloud platform in a unified manner, so as to know the business progress of the subordinate branches. Let the head office and subordinate branches communicate at any time, and fully achieve information sharing. Compared with other software, the business intelligence analysis in the product has the biggest feature: the system does not limit the content and conditions of query analysis, which can be flexibly defined by users. At the same time, the software summarizes and refines the analysis models of existing customers, and compiles a large number of analysis templates for customers to use. Business intelligence includes three parts: business process analysis, comprehensive analysis and wizard report. Among them, business process analysis provides information covering "production", "purchase", "order", "distribution", "direct sales", "retail", "price", "warehousing and logistics", "finance", "customer relationship", The process of each business link such as "items". Resource management meets the management needs of small and medium-sized fashion enterprises for distribution, retail, membership, e-commerce, mobile applications, finance, and logistics. Management consulting and information solutions include: information planning, system integration, distribution management, e-commerce resource management integration, process optimization, group finance, intelligent logistics, predictable maintenance services, group management and control, comprehensive budget, collaborative office, enterprise Asset management, financial planning, auditing, B2B e-procurement, B2C e-commerce, etc. Through in-depth consultation and communication, we can recommend solutions, products, IT operation equipment, cloud platforms and services, service quality requirements and business development frameworks that match enterprise needs and budgets. The main functional modules of the OA system resource management cloud platform are: system initialization, database backup and restore, system management, administrative office, customer self-service, procurement management, interactive communication, customer management, work management, item management, cost management, asset management, task management , meeting management, report management, process approval, collaborative tasks, statistical reports, document center, my mail, knowledge management, comprehensive administration, financial management, marketing management, instant messaging, daily office, attendance management, personnel management, performance management, Salary management, document management, vehicle management, project management, form design, process configuration, computer client, mobile APP. The system also clearly regulates the import procurement process, inventory management, and domestic sales management of the import department. All the above-mentioned processes are connected with the financial department through the financial and cost control module in the system, so that the financial department is transformed from a statistical and accounting service department into a cost control center—every time a business occurs in each business department, the financial department can In the system, the expenses and profits can be understood through corresponding subject inquiries, which provides a comprehensive and scientific basis for decision-making. Therefore, after process reengineering, the main business content of the financial department has also greatly increased, mainly including: customer management, sales business approval, procurement business approval, variable expense settlement, credit bill management, fund forecasting, general ledger and assessment, etc. The content and the focus of its work have also changed from "borrowing must be equal" to "customer credit control", "financing management", "reasonable payment of fees", and "assessment".

LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software supports both our single account and our multiple accounts. LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software limit risk control supports advance receipt inquiry and write-off, advance payment inquiry and write-off, receivable inquiry and write-off, payable inquiry and write-off, credit limit inquiry and details, risk exposure inquiry and details . LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software BOM configuration supports BOM management, raw material list details, product material list details, and cost list details. Through LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software, funds can be entered and withdrawn, and services such as receipts, payment slips, income slips, expenditure slips, and transfer slips can be executed. LongRiverTech sales management functions include: sales order, sales return order, retail order, retail return order, sales billing, business documents.

LongRiverTech customer management Supply chain finance software supports the generation of various financial and tax statements and tax reporting functions, which facilitates financial management and compliance operations for enterprises.

Organically integrate the entire production process of the enterprise, so that the enterprise can effectively reduce inventory and improve efficiency. At the same time, the automatic connection of the original scattered production process also enables the production process to be carried out continuously without production interruption and production delivery time delay. For example, construction engineering management system software generally includes: road and bridge engineering planning management software system, network communication engineering quota diagram software, construction site cost contract management software, construction enterprise collaborative management software system, enterprise management and project management software, road and bridge project management Information system, enterprise project management software for road and bridge engineering industry, site safety contract management software for construction enterprises in construction industry, construction log management software for owner engineering projects. Annual sales plan: used to formulate the group's annual sales plan. The OA office collaboration functions of the resource management system include: target management, task management, work log, memo, schedule, corporate culture, public communication, process management, expense management, and personal address book. Customer management Supply chain finance software sales management usually includes: sales quotation, sales order, delivery, sales report, sales statistics chart, etc.

In general, customer management Supply chain finance software is an information system centered on management accounting, which is used to identify and plan enterprise resources, so as to obtain customer orders, complete processing and delivery, and finally get payment from customers; customer management Supply chain finance software will All internal resources are integrated to achieve the best combination of resources and the best benefits.
